Vendor Applications

Thank you for your interest in the farmers markets run by We Dig Tidewater LLC. We operate and manage Harvest Market at Oozlefinch, East Beach/EOV Farmers Market and The Winter Market at Afterglow.

  • Harvest Market at Oozlefinch is held Sundays Noon-3:00 pm April 27 through November 16 at Oozlefinch Beers & Blending, 81 Patch Road at Fort Monroe in Hampton

  • East Beach/EOV Farmers Market is held Saturdays 9 am-Noon May 3 through the Saturday before Thanksgiving (November 22) at Bay Oaks Park at 2413 E Ocean View Avenue in Norfolk.

  • Our 2025 Winter Market at Afterglow Brewing is held noon-3:00 pm the second and fourth Saturdays January through March. A special Thanksgiving Market preceeds this on Sunday, November 23.

Our main application window for 2025 markets was January-February 2025, but applications for some categories are still being accepted. Please note, we are only considering applications for food products at East Beach/EOV Farmers Market at this time. Also, we are no longer taking food truck/hot food applications for either market—those spots have been filled for the entire 2025 season.

Our general policy regarding suitability of products: Our markets provide the local community access to locally farmed, harvested and produced agricultural goods and specialty foods. Artisan and household goods locally handmade largely with agricultural items will be considered. Our markets do not include the sale of clothing, used goods, mass produced goods, vintage goods or antiques. Priority will be given to vendor applications of those who sell food and agricultural products; however, a small number of high quality, handmade art/craft vendors will be selected to round out the market offerings. MLM company representatives (LuLaRoe, Scentsy, etc) and mass produced items will not be considered at any of the markets.

***Please note that for all markets, we require that all vendors carry commercial liability insurance. Food vendors, unless your product qualifies you to operate under Virginia Cottage Law, proper VDH or VDACS documentation will be required before final acceptance. Also, vendors at all NORFOLK markets must also obtain a $50 Norfolk Special Event Business License after acceptance to the market.***

Applications are accepted online via If you are new to using software, click on “register” to get started. Create a vendor profile and product list, and at the end of that process, click on “My Markets” to see a list of nearby markets accepting applications. All of our markets where applications are currently open are listed there; click and answer a few more questions. Returning vendors (or applicants who already have a profile) need to log in and make sure their profile, contact info and product lists are up-to-date before applying under “My Markets.”

Non-Profit Guests

If you represent a non-profit and wish to be considered for hosting a table at the market once during our season, please contact us via our online form and tell us about your organization and what you hope to accomplish at the market. We will contact you if approved and a space is available. It is not necessary to fill out the vendor application.